You and Uni

This page attempts to give you an idea of what it will be like for you at university. It will attempt to answer any questions that you have concerning the transition from secondary to tertiary education. If you have questions that are not covered by this page please do not hesitate to contact me via the comments page or see me in the careers office any time.

Getting to University
During term three is when you will start to make choices and decisions on future courses and universities. At the beginning of August the initial preference selection opens through VTAC. During this time you will get approximately 2 months to make your first selections for the courses that you are interested in. Before this you have begun to a bit of research on the courses and the universities of your choice. This could be taking the opportunity to visit open days, (see the open days page of this blog), visiting universities during the school holidays or discussing options with your careers counsellor. Points to consider are -;
1. What sort of career am I interested in? You should have begun to refine your interests and the types of careers hat you will want to pursue. This does not mean that you are locking yourself into a career and can change at a later date. Remember it is hard to get into the system but once in it is easier to change.

2. What sort of university would I like? Many people like the hustle and bustle of a university in the city but there are people who prefer the more tranquil settings of universities in the country. This why it is important to know yourself well. Don’t follow your friends as they may be different to you. You will make new friends at university. Open days and holiday periods are the best times to visit the universities to find out if you lie the atmosphere.

3. Once you have finished your exams and have received your ATAR then you will get time to change your initial preferences. This will happen in December and this is the time when it becomes important to get the order of your preferences correct. Knowing your ATAR and the courses ATAR from the previous year is important. This where it is important to discuss things with your careers counsellor. There is a new system beginning this year, 2015, and I will let you know more as details become available but what has been written here will not change.
4.  During the time you are selecting your courses you will also be able to apply for SEAS.  (Special Entry Access Scheme) A SEAS calculator used by Monash University will show you how SEAS can affect your ATAR.
5. You will also be able to apply for scholarships at this time. Check each universities website carefully for possible scholarships. You will be able to apply through VTAC for some scholarships.
6. I would also recommend that if you require accommodation that you apply for this. Each university will be different but I would apply to each of the universities that you are hoping to go to.
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